[shifter-users] xpra on linux, shifter on windows

Rob Byrnes rbyrnes at gmail.com
Fri Sep 10 00:18:22 BST 2010

I have an xpra session running on a Linux box (Ubuntu Lucid Lynx), and
want to connect to it using Shifter via an SSH tunnel over the

I have ssh tunnelling checked on the Windows box, but TortoisePlink
does not seem to start when I hit the "connect" button

Here's the relevant bits from server.log on the windows box

2010/10/09 08:09:24 ServerLink.connect()
server=ServerConfig(thecouch:), launching portinfo monitor
2010/10/09 08:09:24 ServerPortMonitor.start() usePTY=False,
'ITPM04', 'HOMESHARE': '\\\\ITFHS1\\users\\RByrnes15', 'USERDOMAIN':
'COMMONPROGRAMFILES': 'C:\\Program Files\\Common Files',
'PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER': 'x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 13,
GenuineIntel', 'PROGRAMFILES': 'C:\\Program Files',
'C:\\Program Files\\PC Connectivity
Files\\Common Files\\GTK\\2.0\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\Common
'C:\\DOCUME~1\\RBYRNE~1\\LOCALS~1\\Temp', 'TVT': 'C:\\Program
Settings\\All Users', 'SESSIONNAME': 'Console', 'HOMEPATH': '\\',
'ULTRAMON_LANGDIR': 'C:\\Program Files\\UltraMon\\Resources\\en',
'COMSPEC': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe', 'WINDIR': 'C:\\WINDOWS',
'CLASSPATH': '.;C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\lib\\ext\\QTJava.zip',
'FP_NO_HOST_CHECK': 'NO', 'QTJAVA': 'C:\\Program
Files\\Java\\jre6\\lib\\ext\\QTJava.zip', 'HOMEDRIVE': 'Z:',
'APPDATA': 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\RByrnes15\\Application Data',
Files\\Oracle\\VirtualBox\\', 'SONICCENTRAL': 'C:\\Program
Files\\Common Files\\Sonic Shared\\Sonic Central\\',
'C:\\Documents and Settings\\RByrnes15'}, cmd=C:\Program
Files\Window-Shifter\PuTTY\TortoisePlink.exe ...
2010/10/09 08:09:24 ServerPortMonitor.connectionMade()
2010/10/09 08:09:24 ServerPortMonitor.start() process(C:\Program
...)=<twisted.internet._dumbwin32proc.Process instance at 0x01B97198>
2010/10/09 08:09:25 ServerPortMonitor.childConnectionLost(1)
2010/10/09 08:09:25 ServerPortMonitor.childConnectionLost(2)
2010/10/09 08:09:25 ServerPortMonitor.childConnectionLost(0)
2010/10/09 08:09:25 ServerPortMonitor.processEnded([Failure instance:
Traceback (failure with no frames): <class
'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with
a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 127.\n])
2010/10/09 08:09:25
ShifterApplet.get_link_client(ServerConfig(thecouch:)) not connected
2010/10/09 08:11:09 UI_Util.MyWndProc(1052724,689,7,0) Session state change!
2010/10/09 08:11:09 ShifterApplet.handle_session_event(7) Session Lock
2010/10/09 08:41:11 UI_Util.MyWndProc(1052724,689,8,0) Session state change!
2010/10/09 08:41:11 ShifterApplet.handle_session_event(8) Session Unlock

I have tried configuring both ssh keys as well as password auth.

On the Linux box I started xpra thusly:
% xpra start :7
Entering daemon mode; any further errors will be reported to:
% xpra list
Found the following xpra sessions:
        LIVE session at :7

There is no firewall on the Linux box to get in the way, and an ssh
server is running

thanks in advance,

Idiot :
    A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human
affairs has always been dominant and controlling.
(Ambrose Bierce - The Devils Dictionary)

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