[winswitch] winswitch_applet memory usage

Antoine Martin antoine at nagafix.co.uk
Tue Aug 30 10:08:50 BST 2011

On 08/30/2011 01:50 AM, Ka-Hing Cheung wrote:
> Over the weekend winswitch_applet grew to use 1.7GB of memory:
Whoa! That's a lot of memory! Something has definitely gone wrong there!
Can you tell us which OS and version (and anything else that might be
relevant) - could this be Ubuntu Lucid? (there are library bugs there)

>  7339 kcheung   20   0 2212m 1.7g  16m S    0 22.8  36:14.77
> winswitch_apple
> If I restart the applet, can I still connect to windows started by the
> previous session?
Yes, that should not be a problem. All the sessions are deamonized (so
they don't get killed) and the details are re-loaded from disk on restart.


> Thanks
> -khc
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