[winswitch] xpra unuseable on CentOS 5

Antoine Martin antoine at nagafix.co.uk
Sat Nov 8 11:09:42 GMT 2014

>> I think it's nearly impossible to get this machine upgraded but I may try it at least. If so, what would be the python and/or CentOS version with which everything should work? CentOS 6?
> Sure, CentOS 6 or 7 both work well enough.
> CentOS 6 is a bit dated already.
> CentOS 7 is a bit annoying as a client OS because it lacks a system tray
> in the default gnome desktop, much better as a server OS (up to date
> python and libs).
Just one more thing: there is no guarantee at all that upgrading your
host OS will improve the behaviour of the application (especially the
focus issues you describe).
It sounds like upgrading is going to be a hassle for you, so you may be
better off trying it out in a virtual machine before spending too much
time down this path.
That said, moving away from CentOS 5 sooner rather than later is still
worth doing.


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