[winswitch] "Simultanuous" start/upgrade

Lukas Haase lukashaase at gmx.at
Sun Nov 30 06:20:44 GMT 2014


Unfortunately xpra is not so stable for me :-( - in two ways:
1.) Sometimes something on the client goes wrong and manually doing "xpra upgrade" helps
2.) Often xpra on the server crashes but leaving the X-server intact s "xpra upgrade" is possible.

My plan is to create a script that I run within screen and does the following:
1.) Starting xpra with a certain child. If the session already exists, upgrade
2.) Only if the child exits, the script should exit
3.) Otherwise (e.g., xpra crashes), xpra upgrade should run in a loop.

Would xpra provide "xpra upgrade-or-start :1111" this would be cheesy :-)

Other than that I am asking myself what is the best way to achieve it otherwise. My current idea is:

xpra start :1111 --no-daemon --session-name=MATLAB --no-mdns --start-child="/opt/matlab/bin/matlab -desktop" --exit-with-children
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
        echo "xpra exited with status 0. Exiting ..."
        exit 0

while true
        echo xpra died, doing upgrade ...

        xpra upgrade :1111 --no-daemon --session-name=MATLAB --no-mdns --start-child="/opt/matlab/bin/matlab -desktop" --exit-with-children
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]
                echo "xpra exited with status 0. Exiting ..."
                exit 0

        echo "xpra exited with nonzero status, re-running the loop ..."
        sleep 3

Can I be sure that xpra returns 0 only if the child exited and nonzero otherwise (=crash, unexpected exit, ...)?
Is it better/more stable to query a session with something like "xpra list | grep :1111" and the do either start or upgrade?
How do I best implement the behavior that the script upgrades if it is ran twice and continues the loop but starts if it not?

Thanks for creative suggestions


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