[winswitch] [xpra 0.15.4-1] Bugs in Firefox, Chrome and some questions

John Smith johnss1221 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 09:07:53 BST 2015


I'm running xpra 0.15.4-1(r10209) for both server(Trusty) and client( Win 7
Recently using xpra, I found some bugs:
 1. Firefox bug:
  + From server: start xpra with cmd: xpra start :100 --start-child=firefox
  + From client: attach xpra with cmd: xpra attach tcp:IP:10000
  + Now the Firefox window is opened and focused. The maximize button from
titlebar is disabled.
  + Then if we make the Firefox window lost focus and refocus => The
maximize button is enabled now.
 2. Chrome bug:
 + Ticket: http://xpra.org/trac/ticket/771
 + I think this bug is reappeared at the current version.
And I remembered that xpra version 0.14.x could make the Chrome window
resize by repaint a new titlebar. So, can we have an option to repaint or
not the Chrome window titlebar?
Thanks :)

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