[winswitch] CentOS 6.6 - No package winswitch available

Antoine Martin antoine at nagafix.co.uk
Mon Feb 9 16:41:10 GMT 2015

On 09/02/15 23:29, Philip Loewen wrote:
> In CentOS 6.6, with winswitch.repo installed, the command
>     sudo yum install winswitch
> produces the error message in the subject line:
>     Setting up Install Process
>     No package winswitch available.
>     Error: Nothing to do
> I'm stuck.
Sorry about that!
> I looked at the online repository mentioned in the
> file named /etc/yum.repos.d/winswitch.repo, at
>   http://winswitch.org/dists/CentOS/6.6/x86_64/
> It contains no files named like "winswitch*rpm".
> So maybe the error message is just telling the truth.
It is.
> In contrast, the repository provided for CentOS 6.5 includes
>     winswitch-0.12.20-1.x86_64.rpm
> I didn't grab that one, because I'm nervous
> about using an RPM for a different OS version.
> (I'm interested in winswitch precisely because
> I am not an expert with CentOS.)
> Looking forward in time, it seems like there is no
> winswitch*rpm file in any CentOS repo newer than 6.5.
> So even if I upgrade to CentOS 7 Server, I anticipate
> having the same problem.
> Any ideas? Thanks for any help/suggestions you can provide.
Everything you said is correct.
In practice you should be able to use the version for CentOS 6.4 or
earlier because winswitch is written in pure Python.

A new version is due very soon now (after a long hiatus), I am just
waiting for a Python-Twisted SSH compatibility bug to be fixed so that I
can release xpra 0.15.0 and an update to winswitch to go with it. Which
means I will build new packages for all platforms, including CentOS 6.6
and 7.0


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