[winswitch] xpra window will stay on top

Mukul Agrawal mukulagrawal78 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 31 19:40:41 BST 2016

Like to report a buggy behavior.Running client on windows 7.Used putty to ssh to remote ubuntu machine.
Launched a remote firefox app on remote machine.Got the window to pop-up on local windows machine.
Good thing is that firefox will stay open even when Putty loses/expires connection.
But .... once Putty has lost the connection, firefox window starts behaving weird. It would want to stay on top of all other windows no mater what. Even if I click on some other window, this will not go back. I can only minimize it.I did not experience this as long as Putty connection was active.
Mukul ( https://sites.google.com/site/mukulagrawal )

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