[winswitch] What do I need to set PKG_CONFIG_PATH to in order to build XPRA?

Antoine Martin antoine at nagafix.co.uk
Sat Dec 31 04:47:44 GMT 2016

On 31/12/16 06:50, Timothy Hobbs via shifter-users wrote:
> I'm trying to build the latest subversion version of XPRA on Debian
> strech (in Docker), and it fails saying PKG_CONFIG_PATH is empty. What
> should I set this ENV_VAR to?
Assuming that you have installed ffmpeg-xpra, then you need to tell the
build where to find those packages, ie something like this for stretch:
./setup.py --with-Xdummy --without-Xdummy_wrapper
--pkg-config-path=/usr/lib/xpra/pkgconfig --rpath=/usr/lib/xpra/

Alternatively, you can install newer system ffmpeg libraries, in which
case no special switches are needed.


> Thanks
> timothy at b8610ea160fd5a04a294:/pwd/src$ ./setup.py install --home=install
> ./setup.py install --home=install
> Xpra version 2.0
> found pkg-config version: 0.29
> build switches:
> * enc_x264             : Y
> * enc_x265             : N
> * enc_ffmpeg           : Y
> * nvenc7               : N
> * vpx                  : Y
> * pillow               : Y
> * v4l2                 : Y
> * dec_avcodec2         : Y
> * csc_swscale          : Y
> * csc_libyuv           : N
> * bencode              : Y
> * cython_bencode       : Y
> * vsock                : Y
> * mdns                 : Y
> * clipboard            : Y
> * server               : Y
> * client               : Y
> * dbus                 : Y
> * x11                  : Y
> * gtk_x11              : Y
> * service              : Y
> * gtk2                 : Y
> * gtk3                 : N
> * html5                : Y
> * minify               : Y
> * pam                  : N
> * sound                : Y
> * opengl               : Y
> * printing             : Y
> * webcam               : Y
> * rebuild              : Y
> * annotate             : Y
> * warn                 : Y
> * strict               : Y
> * shadow               : Y
> * proxy                : Y
> * debug                : N
> * PIC                  : Y
> * Xdummy               : Auto
> * Xdummy_wrapper       : Auto
> * verbose              : N
> * tests                : N
> * bundle_tests         : N
> error running (['uglifyjs', '--version'],),{'stderr': -1, 'stdout': -1}:
> [Errno 2] No such file or directory
> Warning: uglifyjs failed and return -1
> Warning: yuicompressor module not found, cannot minify
> 'nvcc --version' failed with return code 127
> stderr: None
> updated ./xpra/build_info.py with:
> * BUILD_BIT            = 64bit
> * BUILD_CPU            = Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz
> * BUILD_DATE           = 2016-12-31
> * BUILD_MACHINE        = x86_64
> * BUILD_OS             = Linux debian stretch/sid
> * BUILD_TIME           = 00:44
> * BUILT_BY             = timothy
> * BUILT_ON             = b8610ea160fd5a04a294
> * COMPILER_VERSION     = gcc (Debian 6.2.1-5) 6.2.1 20161124
> * CYTHON_VERSION       = 0.25.2b0
> * LINKER_VERSION       = GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Debian)
> * PYTHON_VERSION       = 2.7.13
> * RELEASE_BUILD        = True
> * lib_pygobject        = 2.28.6
> * lib_pygtk            = 2.24.0
> * lib_vpx              = 1.6.0
> * lib_x11              = 1.6.4
> * lib_x264             = 0.148.2728 4d5c8b0
> * lib_xcomposite       = 0.4.4
> * lib_xdamage          = 1.1.4
> * lib_xext             = 1.3.3
> * lib_xfixes           = 5.0.3
> * lib_xkbfile          = 1.0.9
> * lib_xrandr           = 1.5.1
> * lib_xtst             = 1.2.3
> found gcc version: 6.2.1
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./setup.py", line 2367, in <module>
>     ffmpeg_pkgconfig = pkgconfig("libavcodec", "libavformat")
>   File "./setup.py", line 663, in exec_pkgconfig
>     raise Exception("ERROR: cannot find a valid pkg-config entry for %s
> using PKG_CONFIG_PATH=%s" % (" or ".join(options),
> os.environ.get("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "(empty)")))
> Exception: ERROR: cannot find a valid pkg-config entry for libavformat
> using PKG_CONFIG_PATH=(empty)
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