[winswitch] codec2

Michael Durkin kc7noa at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 04:32:04 BST 2016

on the Xephyr window , using pavucontrol there is a device labled xpra on
the capture tab .... that brings what ever speaker(?) output to the client
speakers .... there is no reverse option for the microphone .....

I want the client microphone to be available to the server .... some times
its there, some times it not ... im not sure why. Might be a function of
bandwidth .... connection is over 802.11B -- i think 20mb/s ? connection
should be ok, but i wonder  if at times there bandwidth/speed drops.

On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 7:56 PM, Antoine Martin <antoine at nagafix.co.uk>

> On 01/06/16 01:38, Michael Durkin wrote:
> > Im wondering how .. if its needed, im not sure , to use codec2 instead of
> > opus ...
> They are completely unrelated.
> * dec_avcodec2 is a video decoder which uses ffmpeg, it is needed for
> decoding h264, hevc, etc..
> * opus is a sound codec
> Both are optional but recommended. If you have vorbis or even mp3, opus
> is probably not worth the effort if you are having problems.
> h264 on the other hand, is strongly recommended as it is the most
> efficient video codec.
> > I see a patch for V0.15 but not sure if it is already implements in V0.17
> > code ... or use a run switch ...
> Please be specific. What distro? What patch?
> > Also i see a thread on the server (to client) for xpra sound but not one
> > for client microphone to server .... is that not possible ?
> I don't understand the question.
> As of version 0.15, the sound runs in a separate process, not thread.
> If you start the microphone forwarding, you will get an extra process.
> Cheers
> Antoine
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