[winswitch] error on build

Michael Durkin kc7noa at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 06:26:36 GMT 2017

Not sure if this is a but yet .. probably more of a Odroid-X2/Ubuntu16.04
fresh install issue ..

found gcc version: 5.4.0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "setup.py", line 2449, in <module>
    ffmpeg_pkgconfig = pkgconfig("libavcodec", "libavformat")
  File "setup.py", line 688, in exec_pkgconfig
    raise Exception("ERROR: cannot find a valid pkg-config entry for %s
using PKG_CONFIG_PATH=%s" % (" or ".join(options),
os.environ.get("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "(empty)")))
Exception: ERROR: cannot find a valid pkg-config entry for libavformat
using PKG_CONFIG_PATH=(empty)

im still investigating ....

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