[winswitch] Xpra GL and gtkglext woes

Ben Sferrazza bsferrazza at avnera.com
Tue Mar 6 17:00:25 GMT 2018

On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 12:33 AM, Antoine Martin via shifter-users <
shifter-users at lists.devloop.org.uk> wrote:

> On 06/03/18 11:55, Ben Sferrazza via shifter-users wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 8:10 PM, Antoine Martin via shifter-users <
> > shifter-users at lists.devloop.org.uk> wrote:
> >
> >> On 06/03/18 05:02, Ben Sferrazza via shifter-users wrote:
> >>> Figured I'd add the Xorg log file, with the Modeline lines stripped
> out.
> >>> Not sure why it's trying to load libinput when it's using the
> dummy_mouse
> >>> and dummy_keyboard.
> >>>
> >> (..)
> >>> [3017181.009] (II) LoadModule: "void"
> >>> [3017181.010] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module void
> >> Are you sure that you are using the current xorg.conf from xpra?
> >> We have stopped using the "void" module a long time ago.
> >>
> >
> > I was using the one linked to on the Xdummy wiki page. I now just
> replaced
> > it with (...)/etc/xpra/xorg.conf. No more void module errors, but I do
> see
> > these.
> >
> > [3040183.094] (II) LoadModule: "mouse"
> > [3040183.095] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module mouse
> > [3040183.095] (II) UnloadModule: "mouse"
> > [3040183.095] (II) Unloading mouse
> > [3040183.095] (EE) Failed to load module "mouse" (module does not exist,
> 0)
> > [3040183.095] (EE) No input driver matching `mouse'
> > [3040183.095] (II) Falling back to input driver `libinput'
> > [3040183.095] (II) LoadModule: "libinput"
> > [3040183.096] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module libinput
> > [3040183.096] (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
> > [3040183.096] (II) Unloading libinput
> > [3040183.096] (EE) Failed to load module "libinput" (module does not
> exist,
> > 0)
> > [3040183.096] (II) LoadModule: "kbd"
> > [3040183.098] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module kbd
> > [3040183.098] (II) UnloadModule: "kbd"
> > [3040183.098] (II) Unloading kbd
> > [3040183.098] (EE) Failed to load module "kbd" (module does not exist, 0)
> > [3040183.098] (EE) No input driver matching `kbd'
> > [3040183.098] (II) Falling back to input driver `libinput'
> > [3040183.098] (II) LoadModule: "libinput"
> > [3040183.099] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module libinput
> > [3040183.099] (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
> > [3040183.099] (II) Unloading libinput
> > [3040183.099] (EE) Failed to load module "libinput" (module does not
> exist,
> > 0)
> Never mind, I've checked my latest log files and I see the same thing.
> We don't specify those devices but they must be default settings.
> >> (..)
> >>> [3017181.013] (WW) DUMMY(0): Option "ConstantDPI" is not used
> >> You may want to apply our "constant DPI" patch for better DPI support
> >> with applications that calculate a "hardware DPI".
> >>
> >
> > OK thanks for the suggestion. I see quite a few patches there as part of
> > ticket 163. Any particular ones I should apply given the system I
> described
> > in my first email?
> Assuming that you've built the latest 0.3.8 version of the dummy driver,
> then the only patch you need on top of that is the "constant dpi" patch:
> https://xpra.org/trac/attachment/ticket/163/0002-Constant-DPI.patch
> (note: this only benefits some applications - most notably Java ones)
> Cheers
> Antoine
OK thanks. Xpra server is running as shown here. Its own log file doesn't
seem to react to the client connecting from below.

bash-4.4$ ps aux | grep xpra
bsferra+ 30529  0.3  0.0 2049496 53696 ?       S    16:39   0:03
/home/tools/bin/python /home/tools/bin/xpra start :100 --start-child=xterm
--socket-dirs=~/.xpra -d all --start-via-proxy=no
bsferra+ 30530  0.3  0.0 668540 149992 ?       Ssl  16:39   0:03
/home/tools/bin/Xorg-for-Xpra-:100 -noreset -novtswitch -nolisten tcp
+extension GLX +extension RANDR +extension RENDER -auth
/home/bsferrazza/.Xauthority -logfile
/home/tools/var/run/xpra/Xorg.:100.log -configdir
/home/tools/var/run/xpra/xorg.conf.d/30529 -config
/home/tools/etc/xpra/xorg.conf -depth 24 :100

Here's the relevant output from the client. The 'no run-xpra' command found
seems to be the most glaring.

2018-03-06 08:44:03,407 io_thread_loop(read, <bound method Protocol._read
of Protocol(Pipe(ssh/l-server-13/:100))>) loop starting
2018-03-06 08:44:04,408 set_icon(None) using filename=C:\Program
2018-03-06 08:44:04,408 set_icon_from_file(C:\Program
tray_widget=<xpra.platform.win32.win32_NotifyIcon.win32NotifyIcon object at
2018-03-06 08:44:04,409 LoadImage(C:\Program Files\Xpra\icons\xpra.ico)
using image type=ICON
2018-03-06 08:44:04,410 LoadImage(C:\Program
2018-03-06 08:44:04,410 do_set_icon(24971835)
2018-03-06 08:44:04,410
make_nid(..)=<xpra.platform.win32.win32_NotifyIcon.NOTIFYICONDATA object at
0x000000001a86c950> tooltip='ssh/l-server-13/:100', app_id=0, actual
flags=ICON, GUID
2018-03-06 08:44:04,413
make_nid(..)=<xpra.platform.win32.win32_NotifyIcon.NOTIFYICONDATA object at
0x000000001a86c950> tooltip='ssh/l-server-13/:100', app_id=0, actual
flags=ICON, GUID
2018-03-06 08:44:04,610 poll() procinfo list: [ProcInfo({'returncode':
None, 'name': 'ssh', 'process': <subprocess.Popen object at
0x000000001a2d3250>, 'pid': 15132, 'dead': False, 'ignore': True,
'callback': None, 'command': ['plink', '-ssh', '-agent', '-T',
'l-server-13', 'xpra initenv;if [ -x ~/.xpra/run-xpra ]; then
~/.xpra/run-xpra _proxy :100;elif [ -x $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra ];
then $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra _proxy :100;elif type "xpra" >
/dev/null 2>&1; then xpra _proxy :100;elif [ -x /usr/local/bin/xpra ]; then
/usr/local/bin/xpra _proxy :100;else echo "no run-xpra command found"; exit
1; fi'], 'forget': False})]
2018-03-06 08:44:06,612 poll() procinfo list: [ProcInfo({'returncode':
None, 'name': 'ssh', 'process': <subprocess.Popen object at
0x000000001a2d3250>, 'pid': 15132, 'dead': False, 'ignore': True,
'callback': None, 'command': ['plink', '-ssh', '-agent', '-T',
'l-server-13', 'xpra initenv;if [ -x ~/.xpra/run-xpra ]; then
~/.xpra/run-xpra _proxy :100;elif [ -x $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra ];
then $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra _proxy :100;elif type "xpra" >
/dev/null 2>&1; then xpra _proxy :100;elif [ -x /usr/local/bin/xpra ]; then
/usr/local/bin/xpra _proxy :100;else echo "no run-xpra command found"; exit
1; fi'], 'forget': False})]
2018-03-06 08:44:08,613 poll() procinfo list: [ProcInfo({'returncode':
None, 'name': 'ssh', 'process': <subprocess.Popen object at
0x000000001a2d3250>, 'pid': 15132, 'dead': False, 'ignore': True,
'callback': None, 'command': ['plink', '-ssh', '-agent', '-T',
'l-server-13', 'xpra initenv;if [ -x ~/.xpra/run-xpra ]; then
~/.xpra/run-xpra _proxy :100;elif [ -x $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra ];
then $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra _proxy :100;elif type "xpra" >
/dev/null 2>&1; then xpra _proxy :100;elif [ -x /usr/local/bin/xpra ]; then
/usr/local/bin/xpra _proxy :100;else echo "no run-xpra command found"; exit
1; fi'], 'forget': False})]
2018-03-06 08:44:10,614 poll() procinfo list: [ProcInfo({'returncode':
None, 'name': 'ssh', 'process': <subprocess.Popen object at
0x000000001a2d3250>, 'pid': 15132, 'dead': False, 'ignore': True,
'callback': None, 'command': ['plink', '-ssh', '-agent', '-T',
'l-server-13', 'xpra initenv;if [ -x ~/.xpra/run-xpra ]; then
~/.xpra/run-xpra _proxy :100;elif [ -x $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra ];
then $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra _proxy :100;elif type "xpra" >
/dev/null 2>&1; then xpra _proxy :100;elif [ -x /usr/local/bin/xpra ]; then
/usr/local/bin/xpra _proxy :100;else echo "no run-xpra command found"; exit
1; fi'], 'forget': False})]
2018-03-06 08:44:12,616 poll() procinfo list: [ProcInfo({'returncode':
None, 'name': 'ssh', 'process': <subprocess.Popen object at
0x000000001a2d3250>, 'pid': 15132, 'dead': False, 'ignore': True,
'callback': None, 'command': ['plink', '-ssh', '-agent', '-T',
'l-server-13', 'xpra initenv;if [ -x ~/.xpra/run-xpra ]; then
~/.xpra/run-xpra _proxy :100;elif [ -x $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra ];
then $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra _proxy :100;elif type "xpra" >
/dev/null 2>&1; then xpra _proxy :100;elif [ -x /usr/local/bin/xpra ]; then
/usr/local/bin/xpra _proxy :100;else echo "no run-xpra command found"; exit
1; fi'], 'forget': False})]
2018-03-06 08:44:12,787 read_parse_thread_loop starting
2018-03-06 08:44:12,788 check_server_echo(0) last=True, server_ok=True
2018-03-06 08:44:12,788 process_gibberish(['gibberish', "invalid packet
header byte C: '436164656e636520' read buffer='Cadence digital tool
setup\\n' (27 bytes)", 'Cadence digital tool setup\n'])
2018-03-06 08:44:12,789 Cadence digital tool setup
2018-03-06 08:44:12,789 GTKXpraClient.quit(9) current exit_code=None
2018-03-06 08:44:12,789 UIXpraClient.cleanup()
2018-03-06 08:44:12,789 stop_sending_webcam()
2018-03-06 08:44:12,789 do_stop_sending_webcam() device=None
2018-03-06 08:44:12,789 poll() procinfo list: [ProcInfo({'returncode':
None, 'name': 'ssh', 'process': <subprocess.Popen object at
0x000000001a2d3250>, 'pid': 15132, 'dead': False, 'ignore': True,
'callback': None, 'command': ['plink', '-ssh', '-agent', '-T',
'l-server-13', 'xpra initenv;if [ -x ~/.xpra/run-xpra ]; then
~/.xpra/run-xpra _proxy :100;elif [ -x $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra ];
then $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra _proxy :100;elif type "xpra" >
/dev/null 2>&1; then xpra _proxy :100;elif [ -x /usr/local/bin/xpra ]; then
/usr/local/bin/xpra _proxy :100;else echo "no run-xpra command found"; exit
1; fi'], 'forget': False})]
2018-03-06 08:44:12,789 poll() procinfo list: [ProcInfo({'returncode':
None, 'name': 'ssh', 'process': <subprocess.Popen object at
0x000000001a2d3250>, 'pid': 15132, 'dead': False, 'ignore': True,
'callback': None, 'command': ['plink', '-ssh', '-agent', '-T',
'l-server-13', 'xpra initenv;if [ -x ~/.xpra/run-xpra ]; then
~/.xpra/run-xpra _proxy :100;elif [ -x $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra ];
then $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra _proxy :100;elif type "xpra" >
/dev/null 2>&1; then xpra _proxy :100;elif [ -x /usr/local/bin/xpra ]; then
/usr/local/bin/xpra _proxy :100;else echo "no run-xpra command found"; exit
1; fi'], 'forget': False})]
2018-03-06 08:44:12,789 cleanup_printing() printing=True
2018-03-06 08:44:12,789 cancel_send_printers_timer()
2018-03-06 08:44:12,790 PRINTER_ENUM_VALUES: {'ICON4': 262144, 'ICON5':
327680, 'ICON6': 393216, 'ICON7': 458752, 'REMOTE': 16, 'NAME': 8, 'ICON2':
131072, 'ICON3': 196608, 'DEFAULT': 1, 'ICON8': 524288, 'CONNECTIONS': 4,
'ICON1': 65536, 'CONTAINER': 32768, 'SHARED': 32, 'LOCAL': 2, 'EXPAND':
16384, 'NETWORK': 64}
2018-03-06 08:44:12,791 PRINTER_ENUMS=[['LOCAL'], ['SHARED', 'NETWORK',
2018-03-06 08:44:12,791 cleanup_printing=<function cleanup_printing at
2018-03-06 08:44:12,791 XpraClientBase.cleanup()
2018-03-06 08:44:12,791 calling <bound method Protocol.close of
2018-03-06 08:44:12,791 Protocol.close() closed=False,
2018-03-06 08:44:12,791 Protocol.close() calling <bound method
TwoFileConnection.close of Pipe(ssh/l-server-13/:100)>
2018-03-06 08:44:12,791 Pipe(ssh/l-server-13/:100).close() close
callback=<function stop_tunnel at 0x000000001a2cc410>, readable=<open file
'<fdopen>', mode 'rb' at 0x000000001a5c5a50>, writeable=<open file
'<fdopen>', mode 'wb' at 0x000000001a5c59c0>
2018-03-06 08:44:12,791 Pipe(ssh/l-server-13/:100).close() calling
<function stop_tunnel at 0x000000001a2cc410>
2018-03-06 08:44:12,807 read thread: eof
2018-03-06 08:44:12,808 io_thread_loop(read, <bound method Protocol._read
of Protocol(None)>) loop ended, closed=True
2018-03-06 08:44:12,807 Pipe(ssh/l-server-13/:100).close() done
2018-03-06 08:44:12,808 terminate_queue_threads()
2018-03-06 08:44:12,808 write thread: empty marker, exiting
2018-03-06 08:44:12,809 Protocol.close() closed=True, connection=None
2018-03-06 08:44:12,809 Protocol.close() done
2018-03-06 08:44:12,809 io_thread_loop(write, <bound method Protocol._write
of Protocol(None)>) loop ended, closed=True
2018-03-06 08:44:12,809 cleanup done

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