[winswitch] xpra shadow works, but start-desktop just shows a black screen

Antoine Martin antoine at nagafix.co.uk
Fri Apr 12 16:20:39 BST 2019

FYI: whatever email client you are using, it is messing up the inline

On 12/04/2019 21:33, Ben Sferrazza via shifter-users wrote:
> On 12/04/2019 05:47, Ben Sferrazza via shifter-users wrote:
>>> I'm running Xpra 2.5 from the Xpra repo on Ubuntu 18.10. The client is Xpra 3.0 on Windows 10. Using 'xpra shadow' works well, but I can't get 'xpra start-desktop' to work. It merely shows a black screen.
>> xpra start-desktop on its own will only start an empty full-window
>> session, you need to start a window manager or some other application to
>> interact with, ie for testing:
>> xpra start-desktop --start=xterm
>> Then you can start a window manager or something else from the xterm
> I'm sorry, I should have mentioned I used --start=gnome-session.
Well, there is your problem.
Try a different window manager, or as per above just an xterm, and you
will find that things work just fine.
gnome is known to be problematic and may not work without an accelerated
X11 server.

>>> Similarly, trying to just launch a window such as 'xpra start=gnome-terminal' shows nothing. 'xpra start=xterm' does bring up xterm, but trying to launch something like gnome-terminal from that xterm shows nothing. Verbose logs don't seem to indicate anything is amiss.
>>> Any advice on things I can try?
>> That's odd. I've just tried it and it worked fine.
>> Please create a ticket as per:
>> https://xpra.org/trac/wiki/ReportingBugs
>> Make sure to include "xpra info".
>> And please try connecting from another client (ie: from the Ubuntu
>> system itself) to figure out if the problem is server side or client side.
> OK I'll go ahead and do that. I also forgot to mention that I tried connecting from the Ubuntu localhost and it also just shows a black screen. So it would seem to indicate there's something up with the server.
Or with gnome-terminal.


> Cheers,
> Antoine
>> Thanks,
>> Ben
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