[winswitch] Dancing windows on xpra windows 10

Antoine Martin antoine at nagafix.co.uk
Wed Oct 30 03:21:24 GMT 2019

On 28/10/2019 02:09, Ivo Couckuyt via shifter-users wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have some problems with xpra windows connecting to a xpra server on
> ubuntu over tcp (both version 3.0.1).
> The gnome-terminal shrinks to 1x1 (titlebar only) and 'dances' to the
> bottom of the screen (same for xterm so it is not a bug in gnome I
> think). Opening the windows start menu stops the shrinking. On the other
> hand, gedit shows only when I turn off opengl, but does not shrink (I
> can not minmize it)
I can now reproduce these two problems on one of my test systems.
I do not know yet what has changed to break the OpenGL rendering, and I
haven't had a chance to look into the "dancing window".

The good news is that you can switch back to the Python2 / GTK2 builds
to get going again, there are 3.0.2-RC builds here:

Sorry about the inconvenience. This is not something the automated tests
can catch, and I tend to test MS Windows manually in a VirtualBox
virtual machine which lacks OpenGL..
I'll try to do better next time.


> Seems to be a problem with the window manager in windows? Any ideas
> where to look? I tried xpra beta (4.0), both msi and exe setup files,
> etc. Over html5 everything works fine (except copy pasting does not
> always work).
> I do not have xming (or vcxsvr) installed. Despite some instructions on
> xpra I found via google, a windows xserver does not seem to be required?
> regards,
> Ivo
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