[winswitch] how to do copy and paste from / to windows-linux and viceversa from / to two different computers.

Mario Marietto marietto2008 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 19:34:30 BST 2020

Hello to everyone.

I'm looking for a way to do copy and paste text and files from a windows to
linux and viceversa. Actually I'm using two computers. On the first I have
installed ubuntu and on the other one I have installed another ubuntu or
windows. Actually I'm using synergy to share the mouse between windows and
linux and from linux to linux. But it is a partial solution. Infact synergy
does not allow to copy and paste files from two oses installed in two
different computers. So,I've found xpra and it seems that it can do that.
But,watching some tutorials on youtube,I didn't find a good tutorial that
teaches how. There are some tutorials that teaches how to forward an
application,but I don't want to do that,I find that not comfortable. I'm
looking for a good tutorial that teaches how to do copy and paste files and
folders from windows to linux and linux to linux between two different
computers. thanks.


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