[winswitch] How to disable redirecting to log file
yonatan zaken
yonatan.zaken at gmail.com
Sun May 9 17:01:12 BST 2021
Hi Antoine, Thanks for the response!
I tried the following:
> Why don't you just redirect the output of your noisy command?
> xpra start --start="bash -c 'therealcommand &> /dev/null'"
When trying to start a local session it works fine and stdout of the noisy
command is redirected to /dev/null.
But when trying to run the command on a remote machine I get the following
Ambiguous output redirect.
2021-05-09 20:43:16,088 Error: SSH connection to the xpra server failed
2021-05-09 20:43:16,088 check your username, hostname, display number,
firewall, etc
2021-05-09 20:43:16,088 for server: ssh:pci at
2021-05-09 20:43:16,088 the command line used was:
2021-05-09 20:43:16,088 ssh -x -l pci -T sh -c 'xpra
initenv;~/.xpra/run-xpra _proxy_start "--start-child=bash -c
'therealcommand >& /dev/null'" --exit-with-children --mmap-group ||
$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/xpra/run-xpra _proxy_start "--start-child=bash -c
'therealcommand >& /dev/null'" --exit-with-children --mmap-group || xpra
_proxy_start "--start-child=bash -c 'therealcommand >& /dev/null'"
--exit-with-children --mmap-group'
Any idea how to overcome this ?
On Sun, 9 May 2021 at 15:28, Antoine Martin via shifter-users <
shifter-users at lists.devloop.org.uk> wrote:
> On 09/05/2021 14:56, yonatan zaken via shifter-users wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > My platform: Linux Kubuntu 14
> > xpra version: xpra v1.0.12-r19800
> >
> > I am trying to find a way to disable the redirecting of the xpra server
> > output to the log file.
> If you run your server with "--no-daemon" then the output will just go
> to stdout. You can then redirect that wherever you like:
> nohup xpra start --start=noisycommand --no-daemon >& /dev/null &
> > The application that I run via. xpra start generates large amounts of
> data
> > to stdout causing the ":1.log" file to be very large. This causes me
> > trouble since the /run/user is left with no space sometimes.
> So the problem is not caused by the xpra server but by your unspecified
> application.
> > I tried adding the following flag to the xpra.conf file:
> > remote-logging=no
> Remote logging has nothing to do with it.
> That's for sending the client's log messages to the server.
> (and in newer versions, also back the other way)
> > But i still see the applications output directed to the .log file.
> >
> > Any suggestions how to disable the redirecting of the applications stdout
> > to the log file?
> Why don't you just redirect the output of your noisy command?
> xpra start --start="bash -c 'therealcommand &> /dev/null'"
> You could also create a wrapper script to do the same thing:
> cat > /usr/bin/mycommand-wrapper << EOF
> #!/bin/bash
> mycommand $@ >& /dev/null
> chmod +x /usr/bin/mycommand-wrapper
> Cheers,
> Antoine
> >
> > *Cheers,*
> > *Yonatan*
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