From totaam at Thu Dec 12 09:38:18 2024 From: totaam at (Antoine Martin) Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 16:38:18 +0700 Subject: [winswitch] [ANNOUNCE] Xpra 6.2.2 Message-ID: <> Hi, This minor update to the v6.2.x branch contains some security fixes, please update. The first security issue affects how authentication options are parsed. Sockets defined using the newer `--bind-XXXX=host:port,auth=module` syntax would not apply the authentication module to connections upgraded to use SSL. A possible workaround is to add `--ssl-auth=module`, or use `--bind-wss` / `--bind-ssl=..` only. The second issue is an overflow of the picture buffers when handling YUV-to-RGB format conversions for non-OpenGL windows. A hostile server could potentially write user-controlled data beyond the end of the malloced buffer. The self-contained SBOM script was also added to this branch, so all the MS Windows builds now include a complete SBOM file. For more details, please see: Downloads: Cheers, Antoine