From totaam at Sat Nov 23 05:55:13 2024 From: totaam at (Antoine Martin) Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2024 12:55:13 +0700 Subject: [winswitch] [ANNOUNCE] Xpra LTS 5.0.11 Message-ID: <> Hi, This minor update to the v5.x LTS branch contains a fair number of fixes, including one critical issue: a buffer overflow in the libyuv colorspace converter when handling padded input, which could be triggered when connecting to servers with the NVENC encoder and recent drivers. The padded stream could also cause some visual corruption. There is no urgency to update if you were not affected by these issues. There is also one significant change when it comes to packaging and the downloads / repositories. From now on, the 5.x builds are available in their own LTS repository, which will make it much easier for those who want to follow the slower update cycle of the LTS releases. The packages themselves are available in: Instead of the usual: You can find the new repository files for all the supported distributions here: Aptly named "xpra-lts". The download page links have also been updated accordingly. Users of Debian Bullseye and Ubuntu Bionic should switch to the LTS repository since the "stable" one will no longer be updated. All other users can continue as before, or switch to LTS, or the "beta" channel even. If switching to LTS, remove the existing repository file(s) you may have, remove all the 'xpra' packages then re-install it after enabling the LTS repository. It may take a couple more days before all the arm64 and riscv64 builds are available. For more details on the actual release, please see: Downloads: Cheers, Antoine