[winswitch] Main problems with xpra 0.7.0 and winswitch 0.12.17

Antoine Martin antoine at nagafix.co.uk
Thu Oct 11 11:41:38 BST 2012

Hi Davide,

>     Hi Antoine,
>     I've a main issue witn xpra 0.7.0 (server on linux lucid)
FYI: support for lucid will be dropped soon, as it is just too old to

> and winswitch 0.12.17 (client on osx lion):
>     "ctrl" does not work.
>     "shift" does not work.
>     "a" key  does not work.
Hah, back to that old 'a' key problem... sorry about that.
In fixing "AltGr" for many users (mostly MS Windows), it seems we've
made it worse for Mac OS X..
Will fix ASAP and build new DMGs.

>     Moreover mouse right click is extremely slow.
It isn't here. What application are you using?
Is it just the right click?

>     Finally
>     $> xpra version :100
>     /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/gtk-2.0/gtk/__init__.py:57: GtkWarning:
>     could not open display
That's fixed now - thanks for reporting this.
>       warnings.warn(str(e), _gtk.Warning)
>     0.7.0
>     Connection lost
>     and log file on display 100 is:
>     [dix] Could not init font path element
>     /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic, removing from list!
>     [dix] Could not init font path element
>     /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType, removing from list!
>     /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/xpra/server_source.py:12:
>     DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
>       import md5
This md5 deprecation warning is fixed already:

>     2012-10-10 23:28:01,660 using notification forwarder:
>     DBUSNotificationsForwarder(org.freedesktop.Notifications)
>     2012-10-10 23:28:01,670 xpra server version 0.7.0
>     2012-10-10 23:28:01,753 xpra is ready.
>     2012-10-10 23:28:37,485 New connection received:
>     SocketConnection(/home/davide/.xpra/machine-100 - )
>     2012-10-10 23:28:37,488 Connection lost
>     2012-10-10 23:28:37,568 New connection received:
>     SocketConnection(/home/davide/.xpra/machine-100 - )
>     2012-10-10 23:28:37,575 New connection received:
>     SocketConnection(/home/davide/.xpra/machine-100 - )
>     2012-10-10 23:28:37,702 Connection lost
>     2012-10-10 23:28:37,713 Connection lost
>     2012-10-10 23:28:38,089 Lost WM selection, exiting
Looks like you are running another window manager (or "xpra upgrade"?)
on this display so Xpra exited. This is normal, you can only have one
window manager at a time.


>     2012-10-10 23:28:38,089 xpra is terminating.
>     2012-10-10 23:28:38,116 xpra end of gtk.main().
>     2012-10-10 23:28:38,116 upgrading: not cleaning up Xvfb or socket
>     Can you help me, please?
>     Thanks
>      Davide
>         ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         *From:* Antoine Martin <antoine at nagafix.co.uk>
>         *To:* "shifter-users at lists.devloop.org.uk"
>         <shifter-users at lists.devloop.org.uk>
>         *Sent:* Monday, October 8, 2012 8:31 PM
>         *Subject:* [winswitch] [ANNOUNCE] xpra 0.7.0
> Hi,
> This new major release is our best release yet.
> There are many enhancement and many fixes all over the place.
> We now have much lower latency, support 'webp' picture compression,
> better keyboard mapping support, more stable, Android/Mac OSX
> installers, etc..
> Mac OSX Xpra DMG image (x86 only):
> http://xpra.org/dists/osx/x86/Xpra.dmg
> Android APK (beta):
> http://xpra.org/dists/Android/Xpra.apk
> The source:
> https://xpra.org/src/
> Binaries/repositories:
> https://winswitch.org/downloads/
> Direct binary downloads:
> https://xpra.org/dists/
> Cheers
> Antoine
> Full release notes:
> * Mac DMG client download
> * Android APK download
> * fix "AltGr" key handling with MS Windows clients (and others)
> * fix crash with x264 encoding
> * fix crash with fast disappearing tooltip windows
> * avoid storing password in a file when using the launcher
> * many latency fixes and improvements: lower latency, better line
> congestion handling, etc
> * lower client latency: decompress pictures in a dedicated thread
> (including rgb24+zlib)
> * better launcher command feedback
> * better automatic compression heuristics
> * support for Xdummy on platforms with only a suid binary installed
> * support for 'webp' lossy picture encoding (better/faster than
> jpeg)
> * support fixed picture quality with x264, webp and jpeg (via
> command
> line and tray menu)
> * support for multiple "start-child" options in config files/command
> * more reliable auto-refresh
> * performance optimizations: caching results, avoid unnecessary
> video
> encoder re-initialization
> * faster re-connection (skip keyboard re-configuration)
> * better isolation of the virtual display process and child
> processes
> * show performance statistics graphs on session info dialog
> * start with compression enabled, even for initial packet
> * show more version and client information in logs and via "xpra
> info"
> * client launcher improvements: prevent logging conflict, add info
> * large source layout cleanup, compilation warnings fixed
>         _______________________________________________
>         shifter-users mailing list
>         shifter-users at lists.devloop.org.uk
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