[winswitch] Trouble getting NX to work from OSX Client to Ubuntu Server?

Victor Hooi victorhooi at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 19 20:19:31 GMT 2013


We're trying to get the NX protocol working with WinSwitch from a client
running OSX, connecting to a server running Ubuntu.

The server is running Ubuntu 13.04.

We've added the FreeNX PPA, and installed nxagent and nxproxy from there
(only older versions seem available, but I'm not aware of a better source
of packages).

   - Nxagent - Version: 1:3.5.0-9-2-1-2-0~ppa1~precise2
   - Nxproxy - Version: 3.5.0-1-0ubuntu1

I've started up the winswitch-applet on the server.

On the client side, I've downloaded the Mac DMG, and installed it. I then
start it up, and I'm able to connect to the server fine.

I can startup applications fine using XPRA.

However, session type only offers XPRA as an option - NX isn't available,
nor is anything else.

What do I need to do to get the Winswitch client on OSX to offer NX?

Also, when I try to startup a Gnome desktop session in WinSwich, I get:

Failed to load session "gnome"

However, GDM on the local box seems to be able to startup Gnome sessions


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