[winswitch] interesting development

Antoine Martin antoine at nagafix.co.uk
Wed Apr 8 17:58:18 BST 2015

On 08/04/15 04:47, basd wrote:
> In my earlier post I mentioned problems connecting to server socket for desktops.  However, with
> implementation of xpra-0.14.21 I am able to run xpra sessions.
> Interestingly, I can spawn multiple child windows from an xpra remote application that function as
> windows on the client -- but can be moved collectively to another client.  This is a reasonable
> substitute for desktop sessions.
That's generally how xpra is used.
Forwarding desktop sessions ala VNC works but is less optimized.
> Back when I was using iceWM desktop for remote sessions, I wrote a bash script that provides a menu
> for launching favorite programs.  Using that script, I can launch an xterm session in xpra, run my
> menu bash script and launch separate programs from it.  For instance, I can run firefox, dolphin
> file manager, libreoffice and even Yast2 (openSuSE's administrative control panel).   So far, this
> appears to give me the same functionality as running these programs in an iceWM desktop session,
> with the additional advantage that the xpra child windows function as windows on the client desktop
> itself.  Both server and clients are running KDE 4.14 -- this is interesting, because winswitch.org
> FAQs seem to indicate applications are problematic to run under KDE/Plasma.
The FAQ probably needs to be updated.
There were a few issues with KDE a while back, but I believe the fixes
have been pushed to most distributions by now.
> I had to mark ssh_tunnel=False in the server.conf file, since ssh tunnelling is not working for me.
I believe you may be hitting this bug in Twisted conch:
> Other points:
> *I have concluded that my installs apparently cannot do ssh tunnelling. I never tried to implement
> this because I use a VPN, so I have always used direct connections.  Ssh is active on the server and
> I can use sftp, ssh, etc. to the server.
See the ticket above.
> *Sometimes when exiting xpra windows, a "ghost" xpra session is left in the winswitch menu list, as
> "unknown".  I can't access or kill this session.
If you can reproduce this reliably, we should be able to fix it.
> *opSU 13.1 repositories have libwep4 series and current xpra requires libwep5, which is available in
> opSU 13.2 repositories.
How so?
Do you mean that the build process errors out if you use the older
library version?
Or is it a runtime issue?

> For reference:
> Server 1:
> 6 core AMD x86_64
> openSuSE 13.1
> linux kernel 3.11.10-25-desktop
> KDE platform 4.14.6
> winswitch-0.12.20 in an rpm I built from sources under opSU 13.1
> xpra-0.14.4 (also in an rpm I built from sources)
> remote desktops work / remote applications do not work
> Server 2:
> 8 core AMD x86_64
> openSuSE 13.2
> linux kernel 3.19.3-1-gf10e7fc-desktop
> KDE platform 4.14.6
> winswitch-0.12.20 in an rpm I built from sources under opSU 13.2
> xpra-0.14.21 (also in an rpm I built from sources under opSU 13.2)
> remote desktops do not work / remote applications do work, per above description.
> Barrington Daltrey
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