[winswitch] XPRA - installation on Orange PI Plus 2E

Juan Sierra Pons juan at elsotanillo.net
Fri Aug 25 07:45:54 BST 2017


You should create a public repository (on github, bitbucket, etc) and
upload your code. This way it will be easier to track changes, fork
your code to adapt to others PI flavors ,etc

Thanks for sharing

Best regards
Juan Sierra Pons                                 juan at elsotanillo.net
Linux User Registered: #257202
Web: http://www.elsotanillo.net Git: http://www.github.com/juasiepo
GPG key = 0xA110F4FE
Key Fingerprint = DF53 7415 0936 244E 9B00  6E66 E934 3406 A110 F4FE

2017-08-24 18:18 GMT+02:00 Philip Loewen via shifter-users
<shifter-users at lists.devloop.org.uk>:
> Hello,
> I have succeeded in getting XPRA to work on an ARM-based single-board
> computer. In the hope that this might interest someone else, I recorded the
> commands I used in the form of a shell-script that I successfully ran as
> 'root'. These commands make xpra available to all users on the system. The
> script is provided here below my signature.
> This note provides a snapshot of my experience, after removing the sad parts
> -- hours of trial-and-error, etc. Please set (low) expectations accordingly.
> The board is an Orange PI Plus 2E. The monitor is my HDTV with 720i format.
> Network connection comes through wired ethernet.
> My first step was to install a suitable Ubuntu-based desktop OS on the
> Orange PI. This came from https://www.armbian.com; the download was named
>   Armbian_5.30_Orangepiplus2e_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113.7z
> Getting Armbian started on the board required some tuning of the file
> system, my location, the video parameters, keyboard, etc., and rebooting.
> All the usual stuff associated with installing a new OS.
> I went on to create a sudo-capable user account for myself, named 'philip'.
> This shows up in the last command in the script.
> On a freshly-rebooted OrangePI, I said "sudo su -" to get root, then ran the
> script shown below. About 2 hours later, I had a working XPRA setup on the
> little device. (Of these 2 hours, about 80 minutes were spent doing other
> constructive tasks while ffmpeg compiled.)
> Please note that the script requires frequent user interaction: one has to
> consent to each of the "apt-get install" commands. This allows one to see
> what's working, assess the speed of the system, and notice if something
> breaks.
> I use XPRA daily, but only to forward silent X-windows. This now works for
> me, and I'm satisfied. I have not pursued the many other exciting things
> XPRA can do -- e.g., sound, video, and print-forwarding. But I can report
> that X-window forwarding works nicely as both client and server. Many thanks
> to Antoine for this nice cross-platform(!) system.
> Sincerely,
> Philip
> #####################################################################
> # 2017-08-18: Commands to install xpra on armbian (Orange PI Plus 2E)
> # Run all these as root. Or, prefix each one with "sudo -H ".
> # Clean up potentially conflicting packages
> apt-get purge xpra cython
> # Get a bunch of system tools. Check that the file vpx.pc actually arrived.
> apt-get install libx11-dev libxtst-dev libxcomposite-dev libxdamage-dev
> apt-get install libxkbfile-dev libx264-dev libvpx-dev libswscale-dev
> apt-get install libavformat-dev libavcodec-dev
> apt-get install xvfb xauth x11-xkb-utils
> apt-get install zlib1g zlib1g-dev liblzo2-2 liblzo2-dev
> echo +++++ /usr/lib/pkgconfig/vpx.pc +++++
> cat /usr/lib/pkgconfig/vpx.pc
> echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> # Get a bunch more system tools based on Python.
> apt-get install python-all-dev python-gobject-dev python-gtk2-dev cython
> apt-get install python-netifaces dbus-x11 python-dbus python-rencode
> apt-get install hicolor-icon-theme python-avahi python-numpy
> apt-get install gstreamer1.0-x gstreamer1.0-tools
> apt-get install python-pil python-lzo python-setuptools python-wheel
> # Some system-supplied Python tools are just too old.
> # Get new ones directly from the world of Python.
> apt-get install python-pip
> pip install --upgrade pip
> pip install lz4
> # System version of ffmpeg is too old. Compile new one from source.
> # Note the suggested LDPATH and PIC flag in configuration step.
> # (Found this online at some stage - forgot source - sorry.)
> # Compilation took about 80 minutes.
> git clone https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git ffmpeg
> cd ffmpeg
> LDPATH=/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf ./configure --enable-pic
> time make
> make install
> # Note that version number 2.1 below might increase in future.
> # Used LDPATH from above just in case it helps.
> wget https://www.xpra.org/src/xpra-2.1.tar.xz
> unxz xpra-2.1.tar.xz
> tar xvf xpra-2.1.tar
> cd xpra-2.1
> LDPATH=/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf ./setup.py install
> # xpra wants to have a group, and xpra users should belong.
> addgroup xpra
> adduser philip xpra
> # DONE!
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