[winswitch] Beta Fedora 28 Repo - Missing ffmpeg package?

Antoine Martin antoine at nagafix.co.uk
Sat Oct 27 06:04:28 BST 2018

On 27/10/2018 11:34, WireRydr via shifter-users wrote:
> Hello there.  I'm attempting to utilize the Fedora-28 beta respository,
> however I am encountering the following error, which leads me to suspect
> that at least one required package is presently missing:
> -------------------- OUTPUT ENDS --------------------
> When I check online, I see that in the F29 repo this package is present:
> ffmpeg-xpra-4.0.2-1.fc29.x86_64.rpm
> However, no corresponding package exists in the F28 repo.  Is this
> something that can be rectified, or is it intentional?
It is intentional: the beta repository is a supplemental one, the rest
of the packages can be found in the regular stable repository.

I have added this information to the repository download links:


> Thanks for your time!
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