[winswitch] The application window turns gray if I want to move the work window to a new location

Dušan Vejnovič dusan at dussan.org
Tue May 10 12:32:43 BST 2022

Xpra version: 4.3.3
OS version: Debian 11

How to reproduce:
- install Eclipse IDE on xpra server (from 
- run Eclipse IDE on xpra server (e.g. xpra start :10000 
--bind-tcp= --systemd-run=no --exit-with-children=yes 
- connect to xpra server with Xpra HTML client
- create new project
- place the mouse cursor on the title bar of any window inside the 
Eclipse IDE, press and hold the left mouse button for a few seconds
- all Eclipse IDE window turns gray

Must I make an error report?

Bye, Dušan.

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