[winswitch] Can't use ibus-unikey to type Vietnamese
Long Nguyen Thanh
ntlong0210 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 6 03:04:19 BST 2014
I'd used xpra 0.14-1 and its ok. It's fixed BadCursor error. Thanks
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 4:04 PM, Antoine Martin <antoine at nagafix.co.uk>
> On 13/08/14 10:32, Long Nguyen Thanh wrote:
> Hi,
> Xpra server set following environment variables:
> How to make xpra server stop doing that ?
> Please see:
> http://xpra.org/trac/ticket/634#comment:1
> And follow up there if you want.
> Running the latest beta from:
> http://xpra.org/beta/
> With this option if the environment is already configured:
> --input-method=keep
> or with this option to set it up (as best I could guess):
> --input-method=IBus
> Should do what you want.
> Antoine
> Thanks :)
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 8:34 AM, Long Nguyen Thanh <ntlong0210 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> @Antoine: How I can remove those code ( set environment variables) ? I
>> can't find them in /etc/xpra/* or ~/.xpra/*
>> On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Long Nguyen Thanh <ntlong0210 at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi Antoine,
>>> I've exported these environment variables in xterm again and it works.
>>> GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
>>> QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
>>> XMODIFIERS="@im=ibus"
>>> Thanks for your help :)
>>> On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Antoine Martin <antoine at nagafix.co.uk>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 12/08/14 10:18, Long Nguyen Thanh wrote:
>>>> > Hi,
>>>> > (Sorry if my English is not good)
>>>> > I used xpra from a client and connect to my server with commands
>>>> bellow:
>>>> > Server: xpra start :100 --start-child=xterm --bind-tcp=
>>>> > Client: xpra attach tcp:
>>>> >
>>>> > And xterm appear, then I run some commands in xterm :
>>>> > 1. ibus-daemon -d (before this, I configured ibus )
>>>> > 2. run some applications: firefox, google-chrome ... and test
>>>> ibus-unikey.
>>>> > But I can't see a difference between enable/disable ibus.
>>>> This is probably because the xpra server will set the following
>>>> environment variables to try to disable all input methods:
>>>> GTK_IM_MODULE=xim
>>>> QT_IM_MODULE=xim
>>>> You may want to remove this code, or change those values back to what
>>>> they should be (whatever that is) before starting your application. Does
>>>> that help?
>>>> That was done because input methods were found to interfere with
>>>> keyboard input more often than not (doesn't it need dbus?), at least for
>>>> western keyboard layouts that I normally use.
>>>> I'll have to admit that I am a bit confused by the number of ways there
>>>> are to configure those input methods in X11 / GTK / QT /.., and since I
>>>> don't use or need them I prefer to have it completely disabled.
>>>> Since this is probably not the right thing to do in all cases, we can
>>>> improve this and at least add an option to let the user choose.
>>>> I'll need a bit help in doing that though.
>>>> If that does not help you, can you tell us how you configured ibus?
>>>> How it is meant to work in your use case?
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Antoine
>>>> > I tried with x2go, and it works. But I like xpra more than x2go.
>>>> >
>>>> > OS Client : MS Windows 7, xpra 0.14.0
>>>> > OS Server: Ubuntu 12.04, xpra 0.13.8
>>>> >
>>>> > *xpra.conf at Client*
>>>> >
>>>> > #
>>>> >> # This is the default configuration file for Xpra
>>>> >> #
>>>> >> # You can provide default values for most command line
>>>> >> # options here.
>>>> >> # Each user can also define its own options in the file
>>>> >> # ~/xpra/xpra.conf which will take precedence over this file.
>>>> >> # Most options can also be overriden on the xpra command line.
>>>> >> # See "xpra -h" or the man page for details.
>>>> >> #
>>>> >> # Syntax:
>>>> >> # - Options which can be turned on or off will accept
>>>> >> # the following values: 1, 0, true, false, yes, no
>>>> >> # - Options which can accept multiple values
>>>> >> # may just be specified multiple times.
>>>> >> # - You may break a long line into multiple lines
>>>> >> # by ending each line with a backslash '\'.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> ################################################################################
>>>> >> # General Options
>>>> >> # Enable clipboard forwarding:
>>>> >> clipboard = yes
>>>> >> # Enable forwarding of notifications:
>>>> >> notifications = yes
>>>> >> # Enable forwarding of system tray icons:
>>>> >> system-tray = yes
>>>> >> # Forward sound output to clients:
>>>> >> speaker = yes
>>>> >> # Debugging:
>>>> >> #debug =
>>>> >> #debug = keyboard,clipboard,tray
>>>> >> # Send ping packets more regularly (every second):
>>>> >> pings = no
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> ################################################################################
>>>> >> # Picture Encoding
>>>> >> # Encodings allowed:
>>>> >> # (not all encodings may be available in your environment):
>>>> >> #encodings = h264, vp8, png, png/P, png/L, webp, rgb, jpeg, h265, vp9
>>>> >> #encodings = all
>>>> >> #encodings = rgb
>>>> >> encodings = all
>>>> >> # Default encoding
>>>> >> # (not all encodings may be available in your environment):
>>>> >> #encoding = h264
>>>> >> #encoding = vp8
>>>> >> #encoding = png
>>>> >> #encoding = jpeg
>>>> >> #encoding = rgb
>>>> >> #encoding = webp
>>>> >> # Used by the server to encode video:
>>>> >> # video-encoders = x264, vpx, nvenc
>>>> >> # video-encoders = none
>>>> >> # video-encoders = all
>>>> >> video-encoders = all
>>>> >> # Used by both the client and server for colourspace conversion:
>>>> >> # csc-modules = swscale, cython, opencl
>>>> >> # csc-modules = none
>>>> >> # csc-modules = all
>>>> >> video-encoders = all
>>>> >> # Used the client for decoding:
>>>> >> # video-decoders = avcodec2, vpx
>>>> >> # video-decoders = avcodec, vpx
>>>> >> # video-decoders = none
>>>> >> # video-decoders = all
>>>> >> video-decoders = all
>>>> >> # Use fixed quality
>>>> >> # (value is a percentage or "auto"):
>>>> >> #quality = 80
>>>> >> quality = auto
>>>> >> # For auto quality only:
>>>> >> #min-quality = 50
>>>> >> min-quality = 30
>>>> >> # Use fixed speed
>>>> >> # (value is a percentage or "auto"):
>>>> >> #speed = 90
>>>> >> speed = auto
>>>> >> # For auto speed only:
>>>> >> #min-speed = 20
>>>> >> min-speed = 0
>>>> >> # Idle delay in seconds before doing an automatic lossless refresh:
>>>> >> auto-refresh-delay = 0.15
>>>> >> # Default DPI:
>>>> >> dpi = 96
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> ################################################################################
>>>> >> # Sound Encoding
>>>> >> # Codec(s) to use for forwarding speaker sound:
>>>> >> #speaker-codec = mp3
>>>> >> #speaker-codec = flac
>>>> >> #speaker-codec = wav
>>>> >> #speaker-codec = wavpack
>>>> >> #speaker-codec = speex
>>>> >> #speaker-codec = opus
>>>> >> # Forward sound input to server:
>>>> >> # microphone = yes
>>>> >> # Codec(s) to use for forwarding microphone sound:
>>>> >> #microphone-codec = mp3
>>>> >> #microphone-codec = flac
>>>> >> #microphone-codec = wav
>>>> >> #microphone-codec = wavpack
>>>> >> #microphone-codec = speex
>>>> >> #microphone-codec = opus
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> ################################################################################
>>>> >> # Network Connection
>>>> >> # Enable shared memory transfers:
>>>> >> mmap = yes
>>>> >> # Use server group ownership for mmap file:
>>>> >> mmap-group = no
>>>> >> # Share session with other users:
>>>> >> sharing = no
>>>> >> # Compressors:
>>>> >> #compressors = all
>>>> >> #compressors = none
>>>> >> #compressors = zlib
>>>> >> compressors = lz4, zlib, lzo
>>>> >> # Default compression (0 to 9):
>>>> >> compression_level = 1
>>>> >> # Packet encoders (at least one is required):
>>>> >> #packet-encoders = bencode
>>>> >> #packet-encoders = all
>>>> >> packet-encoders = rencode, bencode, yaml
>>>> >> # Socket directory:
>>>> >> #socket-dir = /tmp
>>>> >> #socket-dir = ~/.xpra
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> ################################################################################
>>>> >> # Client Options
>>>> >> # OpenGL accelerated rendering:
>>>> >> #opengl = yes
>>>> >> #opengl = no
>>>> >> opengl = auto
>>>> >> # Client window title:
>>>> >> title = @title@ on @client-machine@
>>>> >> # Icon used by the system tray:
>>>> >> #tray-icon = /path/to/icon.png
>>>> >> # Keyboard synchronization:
>>>> >> keyboard-sync = yes
>>>> >> # Client ssh command:
>>>> >> #ssh = /usr/bin/ssh
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> ########################################################################
>>>> >> # Server Options:
>>>> >> # Commands to start by default
>>>> >> # (may be specified more than once):
>>>> >> # examples:
>>>> >> #start-child = /usr/bin/xterm
>>>> >> #start-child = /usr/bin/xeyes
>>>> >> # Xsession can take care of initializing dbus, keyring-daemon,
>>>> >> # gpg-agent or whatever else might be usually started together with X
>>>> >> #start-child = /etc/X11/Xsession true
>>>> >> # Video encoders loaded by the server
>>>> >> # (all of them unless specified)
>>>> >> # examples:
>>>> >> #video-encoders=x264,vpx,nvenc
>>>> >> #video-encoders=x264
>>>> >> # Colourspace conversion modules loaded by the server
>>>> >> # (all of them unless specified)
>>>> >> # examples:
>>>> >> #csc-modules=swscale,cython,opencl
>>>> >> #csc-modules=swscale
>>>> >> # Where to send non xpra clients:
>>>> >> # (can be used to share the port with a web server)
>>>> >> #tcp-proxy =
>>>> >> # Log file:
>>>> >> log-file = $DISPLAY.log
>>>> >> # Publish sessions:
>>>> >> mdns = yes
>>>> >> # Start a pulseaudio server with each session:
>>>> >> pulseaudio = yes
>>>> >> # pulseaudio server start command:
>>>> >> pulseaudio-command = pulseaudio --start --daemonize=false
>>>> --system=false \
>>>> >> --exit-idle-time=-1 -n --load=module-suspend-on-idle
>>>> \
>>>> >> --load=module-null-sink
>>>> --load=module-native-protocol-unix
>>>> >> \
>>>> >> --log-level=2 --log-target=stderr
>>>> >> # Virtual display command:
>>>> >> # - Old Xvfb option:
>>>> >> # xvfb=Xvfb +extension Composite -screen 0 3840x2560x24+32 -nolisten
>>>> tcp
>>>> >> -noreset -auth $XAUTHORITY
>>>> >> # - With Xorg 1.12 or newer and the dummy driver:
>>>> >> # xvfb=/usr/bin/Xorg -dpi 96 -noreset -nolisten tcp +extension GLX
>>>> >> +extension RANDR +extension RENDER -logfile
>>>> >> ${HOME}/.xpra/Xorg.${DISPLAY}.log -config /etc/xpra/xorg.conf
>>>> >> #
>>>> >> # Selecting virtual X server:
>>>> >> xvfb=
>>>> >> # Does the xvfb command support the "-displayfd" argument?
>>>> >> displayfd = no
>>>> >
>>>> > *xpra.conf at Server*
>>>> >
>>>> > # Enable clipboard forwarding:
>>>> >> clipboard = yes
>>>> >> # Enable forwarding of notifications:
>>>> >> notifications = yes
>>>> >> # Enable forwarding of system tray icons:
>>>> >> system-tray = yes
>>>> >> # Start a pulseaudio server with each session:
>>>> >> pulseaudio = yes
>>>> >> # pulseaudio server start command:
>>>> >> pulseaudio-command = pulseaudio --start --daemonize=false
>>>> --system=false \
>>>> >> --exit-idle-time=-1 -n --load=module-suspend-on-idle
>>>> \
>>>> >> --load=module-null-sink
>>>> --load=module-native-protocol-unix
>>>> >> \
>>>> >> --log-level=2 --log-target=stderr
>>>> >> # Forward sound output to clients:
>>>> >> speaker = yes
>>>> >> # Enable shared memory transfers:
>>>> >> mmap = yes
>>>> >> # Use server group ownership for mmap file:
>>>> >> mmap-group = no
>>>> >> # Share session with other users:
>>>> >> sharing = no
>>>> >> # Default compression (0 to 9):
>>>> >> compression_level = 1
>>>> >> # Socket directory:
>>>> >> #socket-dir = /tmp
>>>> >> #socket-dir = ~/.xpra
>>>> >> # Where to send non xpra clients:
>>>> >> #tcp-proxy =
>>>> >> # Log file:
>>>> >> log-file = $DISPLAY.log
>>>> >> # Publish sessions:
>>>> >> mdns = yes
>>>> >> # Debugging:
>>>> >> #debug =
>>>> >> #debug = keyboard,clipboard,tray
>>>> >> # OpenGL accelerated rendering:
>>>> >> #opengl = yes
>>>> >> #opengl = no
>>>> >> opengl = auto
>>>> >> # Use fixed quality:
>>>> >> quality = auto
>>>> >> # For auto quality, do not go below this value:
>>>> >> min-quality = 50
>>>> >> # Use fixed speed:
>>>> >> #speed = 20
>>>> >> speed = auto
>>>> >> # For auto speed, do not go below this value:
>>>> >> #min-speed = 20
>>>> >> min-speed = 0
>>>> >> # Idle delay in seconds before doing an automatic lossless refresh:
>>>> >> auto-refresh-delay = 0.25
>>>> >> # Default DPI:
>>>> >> dpi = 96
>>>> >> # Client window title:
>>>> >> title = @title@ on @client-machine@
>>>> >> # Icon used by the system tray:
>>>> >> #tray-icon = /path/to/icon.png
>>>> >> # Keyboard synchronization:
>>>> >> keyboard-sync = yes
>>>> >> # Send ping packets more regularly (every second):
>>>> >> pings = no
>>>> >> # Client ssh command:
>>>> >> #ssh = /usr/bin/ssh
>>>> >> # Virtual display command:
>>>> >> # - Old Xvfb option:
>>>> >> # xvfb=Xvfb +extension Composite -screen 0 3840x2560x24+32 -nolisten
>>>> tcp
>>>> >> -noreset -auth $XAUTHORITY
>>>> >> # - With Xorg 1.12 or newer and the dummy driver:
>>>> >> # xvfb=/usr/bin/Xorg -dpi 96 -noreset -nolisten tcp +extension GLX
>>>> >> +extension RANDR +extension RENDER -logfile
>>>> >> ${HOME}/.xpra/Xorg.${DISPLAY}.log -config /etc/xpra/xorg.conf
>>>> >> #
>>>> >> # Using Xvfb:
>>>> >> xvfb=Xvfb +extension Composite -screen 0 3840x2560x24+32 -nolisten
>>>> tcp
>>>> >> -noreset -auth $XAUTHORITY
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