[winswitch] A simple script to get started with xpra on Ubuntu

Antoine Martin antoine at nagafix.co.uk
Thu Sep 4 10:18:39 BST 2014

Please always CC the mailing list.

On 04/09/14 15:53, Thom Jentoft wrote:
> I'll try ssh and check that xterm is installed. 
>     This version is no longer supported. (though in theory, it should
>     still work)
> But this is what ships with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - Long Term Support,
> which should in theory be good for nearly 5 years! And both client and
> server are the same version, too.
> What would you recommend me to do wrt. the version?
Your 'Long Term Support' vendor is shipping an unsupported version with
many known bugs.
xpra.org has up to date packages for most distros, and unlike those
vendors, we will fix bugs that are reported to us.


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