[winswitch] eclipse via xpra problem

Antoine Martin antoine at nagafix.co.uk
Fri Jul 19 10:15:08 BST 2019

On 19/07/2019 15:26, Thomas Käfer via shifter-users wrote:
> Hi there!
> thanks for your reply! Sorry for not having provided more details in my
> first mail.
> I've upgraded my client to the latest version = the AUR package xpra-svn
> which now gives this version info:
> xpra v3.0-runknownM
Looks like the AUR package build is incorrect, it should be showing the
revision number above and not "runknownM".

> This sadly brought no improvement.
Updating the server might help. (the client code is relatively simpler
and somewhat less bug prone)

> I can't update the server right now, maybe I will do so next Tuesday when
> I'm at the machine.
> The client is an Manjaro KDE installation, the server's OS is Linux Mint
> 19.1
> The issue is quite easy reproducible for me, happens nearly immediatly once
> I start eclipse.
Can you reproduce this bug using a supported distribution? See:

I've tried it on Ubuntu 19.04 and to be able to get it to run at all
I've had to set:
GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus eclipse&
(looks like they've left "xim" input completely broken)
Maybe that will help?

Apart from that, I can use eclipse locally without problems.
Tested on both: Ubuntu 19.04 and Fedora 30..


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