[winswitch] project sponsors needed

Antoine Martin totaam at xpra.org
Sun Aug 30 08:25:52 BST 2020

On 29/08/2020 04:49, Florian Feldhaus wrote:
> Hi Antoine,
> that’s very unfortunate and I’d be glad to help if I can.
> - Can you explain a bit more who the current sponsor was (or did he ask to not be disclosed?)?

Sorry, I am tied by an NDA.

What I can say is that they are using xpra to deliver a specific
application for a large number of end users using a modified HTML5
client for tighter integration.

> - Can you detail for what amount of funding you are looking?

That's quite difficult to say in absolute terms as this would normally
depend on the amount of work required in exchange.

But somewhere in the region of 25,000 EUR per annum would keep the
project running.

> - Can you detail how private/corporate funding can be carried out?

Sure, thanks for asking, I should have done that earlier.

We have setup a company structure 7 years ago for providing development
and support services around xpra.

I never publicized it before because there was more than enough work to
do and I did not want to jeopardize the service level provided to
existing customers.

> Ideally you/we should develop a vision for XPRA and how/what funding should achieve.

That's an interesting idea.

The truth is that around half of the developments were requested by
customers (ie: OpenGL, h264, audio, etc), and the other half were just
things that I experimented with (html5 client, shadow mode, high bit
depth, MacOS, etc)

I'm not saying that the project is rudderless or that that I don't have
a clear vision, just that the general direction tends to be guided by
the unsung heroes: those who create tickets, follow up and do all the

> Then it would also be good to give possible sponsors a prominent place to be visible (e.g. on the XPRA website).

Sure, if that's what they wish. So far it has not been the case.

> For the short term, it may be a good idea to start a fundraising campaign to cover funding for a specific project or duration.
I obviously would rather secure funding with a longer term view, but
that would be a start.
> Lastly, I would be glad to privately donate with the specific goal of the website being updated to a modern, clean and easy to read website layout and content.
Thanks for the offer - I'm still hoping that corporate sponsors can foot
the bill.
> Any idea what amount of time / funding you would require for that?

That's something I would have to delegate to someone more proficient in

I'll look into it and get back to you.



> Cheers
> Florian
>> Am 24.08.2020 | KW 35 um 19:06 schrieb Antoine Martin via shifter-users <shifter-users at lists.devloop.org.uk>:
>> Hi,
>> The project's primary sponsor has unexpectedly withdrawn its funding for
>> 2020, which means that I will no longer be able to work full time on
>> xpra unless one or more new sponsors can step in.
>> I hope that there are enough corporate users out there to make the
>> project sustainable.
>> If you have any ideas or suggestions, please do get in touch.
>> Cheers,
>> Antoine
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