[winswitch] Xpra session cloning

Mark Knittel MarkK at mjkservices.net
Sat Feb 15 01:35:58 GMT 2020

Greetings. I am trying to use Xpra on a (local) Apache server to access single desktop applications via browser links on a webpage. I need to have multiple users use the same web page link to open a new version of the application, and then close the session when the window is closed by the user. That means that I need to prevent one user from taking over the session from an existing user, and I need to make sure I don't end up with an excess of open/unused sessions that will consume RAM. Is there a realistic way to accomplish this with either:

-          Connection strings in the xpra start commands?

-          A script that is launched when the URL is clicked?

Thanks for the help.

Mark Knittel

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